Saturday, August 23, 2014

Protein Powder Chocolate Muffins - YUM!

My first experiment with my new book, The Ultimate Protein Powder Cookbook was going to be one of the breads, since I have been somewhat bread deprived for a while, but I had all the ingredients for the Mexican Chocolate Protein Muffins and who does not like chocolate muffins??

The ingredients were a bit surprising.  It called for BLACK BEANS.   The rest of the ingredients were expected.  One of the things I would suggest is to REALLY MIX the ingredients well.  I had a few whole beans in the muffin I ate and a bean is not something you expect to find in a muffin.  I am not sure if the muffin with have the beany side effects... but with the taste, I am ok with destroying the world's atmosphere a tad.

 I would suggest anyone who is interested in cooking with protein to look at the author's web page for a ton of recipes and ideas.  The page also has links to buy the harder to find ingredients.

Another issue I encountered was the chocolate protein powder I ended up using which was one that I had rejected in shake form because of the artificial sweetener taste.  The taste was still there after cooking.  So, the recipe can only get better with better chocolate whey protein powder.  I topped my muffin with a Almond Coconut Butter type "frosting".  It was rather drippy as Almond Coconut Butter normally is.  This may be something that could be mixed with a thickening agent before frosting with it.

Overall, easy and delicious and only 82 calories per muffin, 8 g protein and 6 g carbs and YUMMY!

I Want To Lick My Arm - Body Scrub

I admit it... I am a coconut NUT!  After reading the book The Coconut Oil Miracle, I started to experiment with its various uses.  I put a teaspoon in my morning coffee and use it for other things described in the book. BUT the absolute BEST thing EVER in the entire world is the body scrub that I made with coconut oil.  I don't think I got the recipe from the book... just the idea for it.  It is a very easy recipe and one that not only leaves your skin soooo smooth, but you smell tasty and want to lick your arm all day.  I find myself sniffing my arm. the way, don't actually get any of this scrub in your mouth... YUK!

Dr Teal Epson Salts (Milk and Honey)
Raw Sugar
Coconut Oil

Put 1/2 cup Epson Salt and 1/4 cup sugar together and mix well
Add 1/4 cup of coconut oil and mix quickly (sugar will melt)
Taaa Daaa!   Easy!   I add a tad less oil if I want my scrub to be drier.   I scrub with this in the shower daily and under warm water the coconut oil will spread easily.

I used the Dr. Teal Eucalyptus and Spearmint scent and to make a scrub that is not as sweet smelling.  It is probably better for the men-folk although my sons liked both equally.

Barre3 - A Blend of Ballet Pilates and Yoga

Barre3 (pronounced - bar) was recommended by one of my Calorie Count friends.  If you are a member, look up The1UniversalLove.  She lost over 50 pounds but found that she lacked the shape or muscle tone and started the Barre3 28 day challenge.  The pictures of her before and after Barre3 challenge are on her profile, and they are impressive.    I need some impressive results!  OK, maybe I just want some impressive results.  It was worth a shot.

Barre3 is a combination of concentrated ballet moves done at a bar ( for the purposes of the home exercisers, a standard chair), with some pilates and yoga moves and breathing thrown in.   It is low impact and high intensity with three trainers on screen for variety of levels to follow.  The set of 5 DVD's come with a Barre ball - small rubber exercise ball, and a booklet with a 28 day workout schedule and recipes.  I bought my set from QVC for about $45 with shipping.  You need to provide a yoga mat, some small hand weights, and a chair with a hip height back.  Part of the 28 day program includes a day when you can pick a workout from their website.  It gives you a free 15 day trial of their site, which normally runs about $15 per month or as low as $10 per month if you pay for a whole year.  I chose not to create a login and do the trial sign up because I don't need the hassle of trying to remember to cancel it after the free period.  It all seems unnecessary and you can just repeat another video.

I am currently about half way through the challenge, on day 15.  I have found that the exercises are, for the most part, very easy.  I must preface this review with the fact that I had been doing a harder Barre type exercise in the month prior and routinely do 50-100 squats before going to bed.  The video talks frequently about the Barre shakes or quakes, which is the muscles trembling from being taxed.  I have only had the quakes a on a few exercises.  I am currently trying to refine my awkward form and extend the squats and lunges further.  I think if you have any ballet experience, you may be a lot more graceful than I am.  Maybe doing the move less herky-jerky is harder?   The one thing I noticed is that when the exercised are done on the toes, my calves burn like there is no tomorrow.  However, I qualify my burn with the fact that I have humungous calves....disproportionately huge... freaky Popeye huge.  So that may be the cause of my calf pain... which apparently is a good thing per the instructors.  I think if you are a person that has problems doing about 20 squats at a time, this would be a good, low impact exercise program.  I like the fact that the trainers state that the exercises can be done at the kitchen counter and other such places on a whim.  Count on me doing some butt shaping leg lifts while browning the hamburger meat.  I am continuing with the 28 day challenge and will let you know if my butt goes up and my weight goes down!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Acai Berry Blast Protein Energizer

I am not sure what a protein energizer is supposed to do but the words protein and energizer sound pretty good on their own and must be double the fun together, right?  This particular bag is made by Rainbow Light, a company that has some awesome products that I regularly use.  The Protein Energizer bag touts the fact that has NO soy, gluten, dairy, wheat, lactose, yeast, no added sugar or sweeteners, no artificial color, preservatives, or other objectionable additives and is made with Brown Rice Protein.  The bag claims that you can "mix it with your favorite beverage for an immediate protein boost to energize your day in delicious berry flavor".

So, what did I think of this stuff?  It mixed well with water and ended up being a light  tan color.  I am OK with the natural color as I find bright pink, blue, and yellow drinks somewhat disturbing, not to mention possibly radioactive.  The initial taste was good, but I found that it had a harsh aftertaste that was disturbingly similar to the aspartame aftertaste that I get when I drink artificially flavored products.   I even went through the list of ingredients on the back to see if it did in fact have some chemicals.... none.    The aftertaste lasted about two hours but was not overwhelming.  Maybe eating something else afterwards would help?

Did I have a blast of energy?  I steamed cleaned the carpets in the hallway and three bedrooms before noon and still managed to do the rest of the endless household maintenance tasks without passing out.  Was that because I am in better shape now or was it the Protein Energizer?   I think further experiments are in order!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Egg Muffin Recipe - Great Paleo Snack

I love these Egg Muffins for several reasons.  They taste yummy, they are easy to make, they are so versatile you can make them with anything, they store well, and they are made with WONDERFUL eggs!!!   My idea of cooking is what feels right for the mood you are in.  So, most of the ingredients are not measured and a lot of them are optional or can be exchanged for something else.  Spices are a matter of taste.  There should never be a "one size fits all" mindset when it comes to cooking for your individual family, you do what works for you.

Mr. Sandman bring me some twin bed bliss.

Don’t mess with the Sandman...Man!  So, you are probably aware of the many studies that have been done on the powers of sleep.  It is when your body heals and restores itself, it is important for weight loss and mental clarity and an abundance of other things.  A great article on the relationship of sleep to cancer, and insulin resistant weight gain ends with a suggestion to “make your bedroom a suitable sleep sanctuary”

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Calorie Count

So, one day you wake up and after you realize that somewhere along the line you have aged, added a few pounds, wrinkles, excess china, too many animals, and can no longer keep up with the rapidly multiplying dust bunnies... you come to the conclusion that maybe action is needed.  The old adage about calories in, calories out, pop to mind and you set out on a mission to figure out just how many calories are in your morning coffee with the hazelnut creamer and just how many a person of your age, stature, and considerable wisdom needs in a day.  I happened upon several years ago and it changed my life.