Thursday, August 21, 2014

Acai Berry Blast Protein Energizer

I am not sure what a protein energizer is supposed to do but the words protein and energizer sound pretty good on their own and must be double the fun together, right?  This particular bag is made by Rainbow Light, a company that has some awesome products that I regularly use.  The Protein Energizer bag touts the fact that has NO soy, gluten, dairy, wheat, lactose, yeast, no added sugar or sweeteners, no artificial color, preservatives, or other objectionable additives and is made with Brown Rice Protein.  The bag claims that you can "mix it with your favorite beverage for an immediate protein boost to energize your day in delicious berry flavor".

So, what did I think of this stuff?  It mixed well with water and ended up being a light  tan color.  I am OK with the natural color as I find bright pink, blue, and yellow drinks somewhat disturbing, not to mention possibly radioactive.  The initial taste was good, but I found that it had a harsh aftertaste that was disturbingly similar to the aspartame aftertaste that I get when I drink artificially flavored products.   I even went through the list of ingredients on the back to see if it did in fact have some chemicals.... none.    The aftertaste lasted about two hours but was not overwhelming.  Maybe eating something else afterwards would help?

Did I have a blast of energy?  I steamed cleaned the carpets in the hallway and three bedrooms before noon and still managed to do the rest of the endless household maintenance tasks without passing out.  Was that because I am in better shape now or was it the Protein Energizer?   I think further experiments are in order!

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