Monday, August 18, 2014

Egg Muffin Recipe - Great Paleo Snack

I love these Egg Muffins for several reasons.  They taste yummy, they are easy to make, they are so versatile you can make them with anything, they store well, and they are made with WONDERFUL eggs!!!   My idea of cooking is what feels right for the mood you are in.  So, most of the ingredients are not measured and a lot of them are optional or can be exchanged for something else.  Spices are a matter of taste.  There should never be a "one size fits all" mindset when it comes to cooking for your individual family, you do what works for you.

What you NEED:
Large Mixing bowl
About a dozen silicone cupcake holders
About a dozen eggs
About a handful of shredded cheddar cheese
About 6-9 strips of turkey bacon, chopped (use a pizza cutter wheel to do this fast and easy)
This will make about a dozen muffins.  Reduce recipe for less.

About 1/2 cup of salsa
About  a handful of chopped spinach (frozen is ok)
Salt, Pepper, or other spices that you like

Crack open the eggs into the large mixing bowl.
Add cheddar cheese
Add the chopped turkey bacon
Add either salsa and / or the spinach (if frozen thaw in microwave first)
Add salt and pepper
If you like spicier, add other spices.
Mix up all the ingredients with a egg whisk or fork
Ladle into the silicone cupcake holders about 1/2 inch from the top.
[Make sure you evenly distribute the ingredients into each silicone holder]

Preheated oven to 350 - 375 degrees, cook for about 20 25 minutes (longer if you like your egg drier)
[The muffins will puff up way over the edge of the silicone holders but will shrink back down]
Cool about 10 minutes.   Enjoy!!
You can keep them in a zip lock bag in the refrigerator.  If you want to freeze them, bake them for less time so that when you microwave them, they do not get dried out.

These are a great paleo recipe and an easy snack.  You can add all kinds of vegetables or different meats to change the taste.  My kids like to chop them up and make an egg-burrito with them.  They often just eat with a bit a ketchup.    About 100 calories a piece - depending on ingredients.

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