Monday, August 18, 2014

Mr. Sandman bring me some twin bed bliss.

Don’t mess with the Sandman...Man!  So, you are probably aware of the many studies that have been done on the powers of sleep.  It is when your body heals and restores itself, it is important for weight loss and mental clarity and an abundance of other things.  A great article on the relationship of sleep to cancer, and insulin resistant weight gain ends with a suggestion to “make your bedroom a suitable sleep sanctuary”

However, what do you do when you share a bed with someone, in my case my husband, who does not make the environment very sanctuary-like?  I am referring to his snoring and movement.  My husband does not just turn over in his sleep, he finds the need to launch himself in the air, spin and plop back down.  He says he needs to do this because otherwise his T-shirt will twist around and bind him up.  I can't help but think that maybe binding him would solve the problem.  His launching spin tends to propel his bedmate, me, into the air about 6 inches when he lands.  In addition, he recently discovered the weird need to hang his feet off the end of the bed…. Ok, except he took all the covers with him as he inched down.  It would not be bad if he were a tall guy, but he is a shortie like me, so his head was a good foot or two below where I keep my pillow.  He also snores like a running tractor, most likly a result of gaining sympathy weight as I gained weight.  Uh hun… let’s go with that.

So, solutions were hard but we found one.  Twin beds!!  OK, I am not talking about Ozzie and Harriet style twin beds set three feet apart, or bunk beds.  Although we laughed about bunking them so we can have more room for activities (think of the movie Stepbrothers  not the frisky activities).  We set two twin beds right next to each other, each with separate blankets and sheets but with a common comforter.  He flops around like a fish out of water, but the one inch separation between the beds keeps my bed perfectly still.  He can hang his feet off the end and only drags his own blankets down with him.  He still snores like a freight train, but Hey... two out of three ain't bad!  The only other problem with this is that twin beds are shorter than regular beds, but you are a tall person, they have twins in XL length.   So, weird solutions, but sometimes you just do what works.

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