Sunday, August 17, 2014

Calorie Count

So, one day you wake up and after you realize that somewhere along the line you have aged, added a few pounds, wrinkles, excess china, too many animals, and can no longer keep up with the rapidly multiplying dust bunnies... you come to the conclusion that maybe action is needed.  The old adage about calories in, calories out, pop to mind and you set out on a mission to figure out just how many calories are in your morning coffee with the hazelnut creamer and just how many a person of your age, stature, and considerable wisdom needs in a day.  I happened upon several years ago and it changed my life.

It is easy to say that "your husband" or "your kids" or "the fireman who rescued you from a burning building" changed your life, because that is expected.  What is unexpected is an internet site of people looking to change their eating habits, get fit, learn about exercise, experiment with food, or just trying to get healthy, coming together to build a close knit community who collectively change each other's lives for the better.  My kids call it "Facebook for Fat People".  It is much more.

There are those who bare their souls to the site members and post things they don't speak of to their families. There are many who seem lost and this is their connection to the world.  Many have taken up exercising and eating healthy against the habits long ingrained in their families, their supporters have become their new family.  Many wandered in looking for a magic diet and stayed for the long term life style change.  The word "Journey" is often used. 

My excess china, animals and dust bunnies are brought up on the site, as well as anguish about the excess poundage and wrinkles, but there is always strength in numbers knowing that whatever ails you.... you are not alone.   Is it a case of Misery loves Company?  I believe it is more a case of Strength in Numbers.  The number of people to support you, and the number of calories in that coffee with hazelnut creamer.  I have been on the site several years now and continually learn new things from the members.  Look me up on  I am ChelaRocks!

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